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Billing and Subscriptions
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    Credit and debit cards (Visa, Master Card)
    Apple in-app purchase
  • How can I update my billing information?

    On iOS,

    • Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
    • Tap your name.
    • Tap "Payment & Shipping." You might be asked to sign in with your Apple ID.
    • To add a new payment method, tap "Add Payment Method." Enter the new payment method details, then tap "Done."
    • To update an existing payment method, tap the payment method, then edit your information. You might need to enter the security code printed on your credit or debit card.
    • To remove a payment method, tap "Edit," tap the red delete button next to the old payment method, then tap "Delete."

    On Android,

    • In the Hamburger menu tap on your account.
    • Select "Subscription".
    • Select "Manage subscription", then choose "Update billing information".
  • How do I subscribe?
    Tap the "Upgrade" button located in the top right corner of the app and choose your plan to subscribe.
  • What happens if I don't renew my subscription?
    If you don't renew your subscription, your account will revert to the free version after the current billing cycle ends, and you will no longer have access to PalUp Official features.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    On iOS, open the App Store and tap the profile icon in the upper left corner. Tap "Subscriptions," then choose "Cancel subscription." Alternatively, you can go to the hamburger menu and click "Manage subscription," then choose "Cancel subscription."
  • If I delete my account, will it terminate my subscription?
    On iOS, deleting your account will not terminate your subscription. Please ensure you cancel your subscription before deleting your account.

    On Android, your subscription will be automatically canceled upon deleting your account.
  • What happens to the AI friend I created if I cancel my subscription?
    If you cancel your subscription, your AI friends will no longer be available to you or the public until you resume your subscription.
  • Can I cancel my subscription any time?
    Yes. Your account will be reverted back to the free version after the end of the current billing cycle.
  • Is it possible to reactivate my subscription after canceling?
    Yes. To reactivate your subscription, go to Subscription in the hamburger menu and click on "Resume plan".
  • I’ve cancelled my subscription, but I’m still being charged. What can I do?
    Please double check you’ve cancelled your subscription by going to the hamburger menu and clicking "Manage subscription." Email us at for further assistance.
  • How can I view my subscription billing history?
    Navigate to and click on Subscription in the hamburger menu.
  • What is your refund policy?
    If you decide to cancel your subscription before the current period ends, we will not refund any subscription fees already paid to us.

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